"Si pretendiéramos aplicar las rígidas pautas de conducta propias del microcosmos (es decir, del orden que caracteriza a la convivencia en la pequeña banda o mesnada, e incluso en la propia unidad familiar) al macrocosmos (es decir, al orden propio de la sociedad civilizada en toda su complejidad y extensión) –como tan reiteradamente nos recomiendan nuestras profundas tendencias-, pondríamos en peligro a ese segundo tipo de orden. Y si, a la inversa, pretendiéramos aplicar la normativa propia del orden extenso a esas agrupaciones más reducidas, acabaríamos con la misma cohesión que las aglutina”
F.A. Hayek - 1999 - La Fatal Arrogancia, Los errores del Socialismo. Cap I. Entre el Instinto y la Razón.
Democracia directa vs democracia representativa. Ciencia política, la ciencia del poder.
2018 - Feliciano - Se podrían llamar "elecciones" si se eligiera a alguien para algo
Se podrían llamar "elecciones" si se eligiera a alguien para algo. Cuando se acaban unas "elecciones" alguien tendría que haber sido "elegido". Este no es el caso en el sistema electoral español. Lo más correcto sería llamarlo "reparticiones" porque al acabar unas "reparticiones", lo que tenemos es una "repartición" del hemiciclo entre los diferentes partidos.
En EEUU cuando acaban las "elecciones legislativas" se sabe qué persona, con nombre y apellido, ha sido "elegida" en cada distrito para representar al mismo en el hemiciclo. Cuando acaban las "elecciones ejecutivas" se sabe quien ha sido "elegido" para jefe del poder ejecutivo.
En EEUU cuando acaban las "elecciones legislativas" se sabe qué persona, con nombre y apellido, ha sido "elegida" en cada distrito para representar al mismo en el hemiciclo. Cuando acaban las "elecciones ejecutivas" se sabe quien ha sido "elegido" para jefe del poder ejecutivo.
1787 - Madison - The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man
PR is worst idea ever. Politics is about Power. In Spain, Greece, Italy and Latin America we vote por parties, not people like USA. We cannot control the parties, they are not accountable. I cannot talk with my representative BECAUSE I HAVE NO REPRESENTATIVE. Proportional Party system is the perfect place for MASIVE corruption
you have still the choice to create a candidate for your district. The person elected is elected by the people, so he is first accountable to the people, at least afected by the district pressure. "talk to you representative".
In a mulit-party system, where you vote for party instead of people: 1st you have nobody to pressure, the people sitting in the house are elected by the party, not by the people.
There is absolutely no Political representation in a proportional party system. Parties are part of the State, not part of the social society.
In the film "Miss Sloane (2016)" you can see how they organize to win every representative in the senate. In a proportional representative system like Spain, Italy, Latin America this is not needed because ALL POWER rests in the 3 or 4 party leaders, you don't need to win every person in the house, because the house is a FARSE, it is full of puppets under the orders of 3 or 4 party leaders.
US Constitution was designed to combat parties, what the founders called "factions":
"The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man; and we see them everywhere brought into different degrees of activity, according to the different circumstances of civil society. A zeal for different opinions concerning religion, concerning government, and many other points, as well of speculation as of practice; an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending for pre-eminence and power; or to persons of other descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to co-operate for their common good. [..] The inference to which we are brought is, that the CAUSES of faction cannot be removed, and that relief is only to be sought in the means of controlling its EFFECTS"
James Madison, Federalist Papers X.
US has still the best system. They did copy, they copied the representative system of Great Britain, and then they invented the presidency (the elected king).
Politics is about POWER, politics is a game of power, you have to realize this. And it is the control of power, the control of the authoritarian power of the state the most important part.
You can "feel" represented by a libertarian party but with PR you don't have political representation, you don't have any possible control over a political party. With PR you will have 3 or 4 parties in congress which will be under no control by "the people" they will make laws not "for the people" .. but for themselves. Is that what happens now in the US? it can be really worse with PR.
you have still the choice to create a candidate for your district. The person elected is elected by the people, so he is first accountable to the people, at least afected by the district pressure. "talk to you representative".
In a mulit-party system, where you vote for party instead of people: 1st you have nobody to pressure, the people sitting in the house are elected by the party, not by the people.
There is absolutely no Political representation in a proportional party system. Parties are part of the State, not part of the social society.
In the film "Miss Sloane (2016)" you can see how they organize to win every representative in the senate. In a proportional representative system like Spain, Italy, Latin America this is not needed because ALL POWER rests in the 3 or 4 party leaders, you don't need to win every person in the house, because the house is a FARSE, it is full of puppets under the orders of 3 or 4 party leaders.
US Constitution was designed to combat parties, what the founders called "factions":
"The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man; and we see them everywhere brought into different degrees of activity, according to the different circumstances of civil society. A zeal for different opinions concerning religion, concerning government, and many other points, as well of speculation as of practice; an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending for pre-eminence and power; or to persons of other descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to co-operate for their common good. [..] The inference to which we are brought is, that the CAUSES of faction cannot be removed, and that relief is only to be sought in the means of controlling its EFFECTS"
James Madison, Federalist Papers X.
US has still the best system. They did copy, they copied the representative system of Great Britain, and then they invented the presidency (the elected king).
Politics is about POWER, politics is a game of power, you have to realize this. And it is the control of power, the control of the authoritarian power of the state the most important part.
You can "feel" represented by a libertarian party but with PR you don't have political representation, you don't have any possible control over a political party. With PR you will have 3 or 4 parties in congress which will be under no control by "the people" they will make laws not "for the people" .. but for themselves. Is that what happens now in the US? it can be really worse with PR.
2018 - Feliciano - ¿qué es la representación política? Enviar al parlamento a una persona de tu ciudad o distrito para que te haga presente ahí
¿qué es la
representación política?
Enviar al parlamento a una persona de tu ciudad o distrito para que te haga presente ahí
1699 - Fénelon - Las aventuras de Telémaco, hijo de Ulises
El rey, que no puede serlo solo, y que no es
grande sino por sus pueblos, se aniquila él mismo
poco a poco por el aniquilamiento insensible de los
pueblos de quienes provienen su poder y sus riquezas.
Ve su estado exhausto de dinero y de hombres;
esta última pérdida es la mayor y más irreparable. Su
poder absoluto hace tantos esclavos cuantos vasallos
Le adulan, tiemblan a sus miradas: pero
aguardad la mas leve revolución; este poder monstruoso,
llevado hasta un extremo harto violento, no
puede ser duradero; él no tiene recurso ninguno en
el corazón de los pueblos; él ha cansado e irritado a
todas las clases del estado, él ha precisado todos los
individuos de ellas a suspirar por un cambio que
mejore su suerte. Derrocado el ídolo del primer
golpe, se quiebra y son pisados sus pedazos.
El rey, que, en su vana prosperidad, no encontraba
uno solo, bastante atrevido para decirle la verdad,
no encontrará en su desgracia ningún hombre
que se digne, ni de disculparle, ni de defenderle
contra sus enemigos.
1699 - Fénelon - Las aventuras de Telémaco, hijo de Ulises
Usa "estado" sin mayúscula, y la palabra "revolución" casi cien años antes de que a Luis XVI al preguntar si era una revuelta, le contestaran: "No, Sire, c'est une révolution"
grande sino por sus pueblos, se aniquila él mismo
poco a poco por el aniquilamiento insensible de los
pueblos de quienes provienen su poder y sus riquezas.
Ve su estado exhausto de dinero y de hombres;
esta última pérdida es la mayor y más irreparable. Su
poder absoluto hace tantos esclavos cuantos vasallos
Le adulan, tiemblan a sus miradas: pero
aguardad la mas leve revolución; este poder monstruoso,
llevado hasta un extremo harto violento, no
puede ser duradero; él no tiene recurso ninguno en
el corazón de los pueblos; él ha cansado e irritado a
todas las clases del estado, él ha precisado todos los
individuos de ellas a suspirar por un cambio que
mejore su suerte. Derrocado el ídolo del primer
golpe, se quiebra y son pisados sus pedazos.
El rey, que, en su vana prosperidad, no encontraba
uno solo, bastante atrevido para decirle la verdad,
no encontrará en su desgracia ningún hombre
que se digne, ni de disculparle, ni de defenderle
contra sus enemigos.
1699 - Fénelon - Las aventuras de Telémaco, hijo de Ulises
Usa "estado" sin mayúscula, y la palabra "revolución" casi cien años antes de que a Luis XVI al preguntar si era una revuelta, le contestaran: "No, Sire, c'est une révolution"
2003 - Henrich - En el juego del dictador, te dan 100€ y tienes y en una habitación con otra persona desonocida
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictator_game En el juego del dictador, te dan 100€ y tienes y en una habitación con otra persona desonocida, puedes darle la cantidad que quieras. Los resultados (si se mantiene el anonumato): el 70% no da nada, y resto da entre el 10 y el 20%
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